Sunday, 3 December 2017


Entrepreneur is a complex term that’s often defined simply as running your own business. While entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business which is often initially a small business. The person who creates these businesses is called as entrepreneur. Entrepreneurships are likely linking to the economic growth.
The growth intentions of an entrepreneur were influenced by their own attitudes, by the views of other people. For example by observing their spouse, business partner, accountant or banker, and by the perceived feasibility of success. The attitudes of the entrepreneur were influenced by positive factors such as financial implications, contribution to the community and recognition of the community but they were negatively influenced by factors such as work-family balance, additional stress, and potential loss of control. The combination of these influences contributed to the accumulation on an entrepreneur’s growth intentions, which combined with competitive advantage and managerial skills determined the growth outcome of the firm.
Next is views of significant others. Based on the journal, this point discussed about how the others views can lead to growth outcomes. Much of the literature reviewed agreed that the most significant barrier to growth was based upon psychological or motivational factors. If there is not a strong commitment by the entrepreneur / management team to grow the business, then it is unlikely to happen of its own accord. However, even if the commitment to growth is demonstrated, then issues such as management capability, funding, shortage of orders, sales / marketing capacity and poor product / service offering has also been featured in the literature as being the primary barriers to firm growth. Perceived feasibility is one of the factors of growth intention. When the entrepreneur realized what will happen in the future, it will lead to  a business growth.


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