Sunday, 3 December 2017


Woman is a female human being. The term woman is usually reserved for an adult, with the term girl being the usual used for female children. While woman entrepreneur can be defined as a female who create and lead a certain business. There are a lot of characteristics on how to be a success woman entrepreneurial.
Firstly, women should have the entrepreneurial characteristics. To be a success entrepreneur, women must understand more about those activities and understanding the personality of the entrepreneur must be studied. They need to go deeper on the field that they are chosen and the business selected. Entrepreneurial characteristics are very important to be identified among entrepreneurs as it has received attention all over the world.
Second is need for achievement. A person with need for achievement refers to the one who prefer a moderate difficulty task, accept responsibility and look for the outcomes. Most of successful women entrepreneurs have the characteristics of need for achievement compared to other characteristics. Besides, among risk taking and locus of control, need for achievement is also one of the important characteristics. Furthermore, a higher level of need for achievement can be found in business founders besides its very important for the development of economic and business growth. The achievement behavior is not only encouraging the entrepreneurs to become succeeds but it also avoids being a failure.
Next, need to be a risk taking. Risk taking is also identified as one of the dimension in entrepreneurial characteristics that influence the success among women entrepreneurs. It is described as the willingness of entrepreneurs to involve in the risky work. In another study, risk taking is referred as entrepreneur’s orientation towards taking chances in making an uncertain decision. Another opinion has refer the success of women is whenever the women is willing to take challenge in uncertain decision. Risk taking has been found as one of the characteristics which lead to the success among women entrepreneurs.
Besides, women with self-confident are the women who do not easily give up and also do not have many excuses such as husband and children in achieving their goals. In order to success entrepreneurs in general should believe that they able to achieve what has been set for their goals and they should have a confidence in themselves. Furthermore, entrepreneurs need to be competent with their business and also have high self-esteem. One of the personal characteristics need by entrepreneurs to achieving their success is self-confidence. In addition, among rural women entrepreneurs in Malaysia has defined confidence as the belief of the entrepreneurs towards their business that has been established and also their willingness to face any challenge or unexpected failure in future.
Lastly, Innovativeness has been claimed as core characteristics of entrepreneur. In another study, entrepreneurs have been characterized as innovative as result from their creativity and knowledge. Entrepreneurs should be innovative since the absence of the characteristics might lead to low survival rate among women entrepreneurs. As been mentioned earlier, women entrepreneurs facing a lot of barriers in the path of growing their business.
As a conclusion, the involvement of women in entrepreneur field can enhance the increase in economic growth. A good successful women entrepreneur also can increase the number of job opportunity in their country. Furthermore, business activities also can make people be more creative and learn to be a risk taker especially for women group. With these characteristics, women entrepreneur can help themselves to study and learn more about how to prepare to be a success entrepreneur not only in locally but also internationally.


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